Our Staff

Jordan Rustin


Jordan was born and raised in Raleigh, NC, a graduate of Broughton High School. He earned a bachelors in Communications Studies from UNC-Chapel Hill, focusing on media and production. He joined the staff of the North Carolina Study Center as a Planting Associate to lay the groundwork and head up operations for the NC State Study Center.

Jordan lives in Raleigh with his wife, Megan. They are members of Christ Community Church and both have strong passions for college ministry.

Contact Jordan:

We are currently seeking to hire our founding Executive Director, click here for more info

Our Board of Directors

  • Jim Wiley


    Jim is President of Beacon Street Development Co., Inc., a company focused on developing walkable neighborhoods and renewing residential housing areas. He is an NC State grad (BA, ‘91) and currently serves on the Board of Directors for Raleigh Rescue Mission.

  • Jay Best

    Since 1980, Jay has owned and managed a series of businesses in the building products and real estate industries. He has chaired and served on the boards of several non-profit organizations such as the local Boys and Girls Club (Wayne County, NC) and Wayne Country Day School (Wayne County, NC). Jay and his wife, Kathy, an NC State grad, served together on the Young Life Committee in Wayne County, NC for over twenty years, much of that time as either committee chairs or finance chairs. Jay has also served in leadership roles in his local churches.

  • Madison Perry

    Madison is the founder and Executive Director of the North Carolina Study Center at in Chapel Hill. He as led NCSC to grow into one of the nation’s largest and most prolific Christian study centers. He holds a JD from UNC Law School and Masters in Theological Studies from Duke Divinity School, and is ordained in the Anglican Church in North America.